I get my most inspired thoughts when I exercise.
A few mornings ago It occurred to me that an eating disorder is one of the greatest battles of the mind a person can be faced with
What I know for sure is that if you have an eating disorder then you are stronger than you could possibly know
Bulimia Recovery |
The courage, strength, and determination to endure an eating disorder is beyond anything I could ever try and explain and only those faced with an eating disorder can truly understand the pain and suffering it causes, I know that every day I get up out of bed I am faced with the craziest thoughts about weight, exercise and everything else in life.
An eating disorder really is disordered thinking and disordered eating and I don't say that lightly, although the disordered thinking may not make sense to others it makes perfect sense to us.
I do my very best everyday to make a conscious decision to have the best day I can, I plan ahead for my day that may include planning my food, making sure everything is in its place ( as much as it can be with kids) making sure I exercise!!!
I really have a tick box in my head of everything that I need to do in a day to have a good day, when I say a good day I mean no binging and being sick, it takes very little to spark that of some days, other days I'm so strong in my self I feel I could go 12 rounds with it in the ring and it wouldn't have a fighting chance
But even with all the preparation in the world that sneaky biatch bulimia can railroad me like a train out of control
For any of you dealing with eating disorders, depression or any other form of mental illness, know that you are stronger than you could ever imagine, but also know that in order to conquer the mind you need to nutritionally feed it with positive information on a daily basis just as we need to feed our bodies with healthy nutrition
My top tip for today is find a healthier social media out let other than facebook, although it is an awesome place to stay connected with family and friends and you will probably find this blog post through facebook, there are a lot of negative people, stories and negative posts on there that your mind does not need to be consumed with.
My favorite social media site's are instagram and pinterest. There are so many inspiring things on both sites no matter what your Interests are and you can meet some awesome people through instagram ..
Have an amazing day and seek out people, and stories to inspire you to live your best life
Lots of hugs and kisses