Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Love & hope Pencil Technique by leanne donnelly

I have named this makeup love and hope.. for the simple reason when i upload my photos to makeupbee i have to add a name to the photo.. any way it decribes how i feel for my amazing neice .. here is a collection of the looks.. hope you like x


Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Cut Crease bright colours and coloured eyebrows

hey guys hope your all enjoying the amazing weather we are having at the minuet..
i wanted to add a makeup look i done last week as a demo for the sculpt makeup students.
hope you like it :)

Monday, 28 May 2012

Pencil Technique by leanne donnelly @sculpt makeup

you may all be wondering what Elite Techniques is .......
I have an obsession with makeup that goes far beyond the normal application of eyeshadow...
Using techniques from around the world i am now refering to this technique as Pencil Technique by leanne donnelly/sculpt makeup .....
  This is a technique that will streatch you as a makeup artist and push boundries .. hope you like

Sunday, 27 May 2012

pencil technique summer makeup by leanne donnelly

As summer has well and truly arrived here in Ireland i thought i would get colour full with my makeup yesterday. i am really loving coloured eyebrows at the minuet . Get out your bright summer palettes and try something different.